Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

Hand-arm vibration myth-information: IOSH/INVC webinar

HAVS vibration measurement

Posted on: Sept. 19, 2023

Are hand-arm vibration myths causing unnecessary human and financial costs?

Yes! Next question, please... Webinar: 24th October 2023, midday, 60 minutes

Stop press: view the HAVS risk management webinar video here >

This webinar with Peter Wilson, our technical director, demonstrates how many organisations are wasting fortunes on ineffective risk reduction measures based on common myths associated with HAVS. It also provides the antidote in the form of a practical guide to best practice in HAVS risk management to minimise the risks.

The global construction industry is associated with a high risk of HAVS - and yet the risk reduction measures used are often predicated on false perceptions of what constitutes best practice, false perceptions that are encouraged by the prevalent "vibration measurement industry". Examples include:-

  • You don't necessarily have to measure vibration at all, let alone regularly or continuously
  • PPE for HAVS does not exist - despite the adverts...
  • A buy/hire smooth policy can be a very effective risk management tool - manufacturers have improved their products
  • Invest in changing behaviour as personal behaviour has a substantial influence on individual risk

The webinar cuts through the mythology and lays out the best practice and cost-effective HAVS risk reduction actions that can be used to improve risk management...

Register for the webinar >