Building a new terminal 3 multi-storey car park above the Heathrow Express underground station was a major technical challenge. As part of the process, piles had to be bored 40m into the ground very close to access and train tunnels – without disturbing structures or personnel. There were also additional complications arising from the necessity to carry out work at night within a very limited time-window and without interfering with the station operation or the marring the look...
BAA selected us to carry out an extensive vibration and noise monitoring programme over several months. The turn-key project involved developing a bespoke vibration monitoring system and installing an array of transducers in the tunnels with detailed analysis and continuous remote monitoring of the piling vibration. The INVC designed system also included a facility to alert key personnel automatically via SMS text message if the vibration exceeded threshold trigger values.
Noise monitoring and mitigation programmes were also initiated to ensure the minimum disturbance of passengers during working hours,