A serious problem for the conventional silencing of quarry fan noise applications like this where the air is very dirty is the need to shut-down to clean the silencers on a regular basis with the associated cost implications. Our noise attenuating technology is immune to clogging, so no cleaning is needed - ever…
In this instance, the tonal noise (hum) from this quarry suction fan working under very dirty conditions was reduced by 23dB using our unique Quiet Fan technology. No silencers, no enclosure, no lagging, little down-time and no maintenance - ever (despite the operating conditions). Plus, this all comes at a tiny fraction of the capital cost of conventional silencing and without the associated running cost penalty.
This approach to fan noise reduction is particularly effective where the air is dirty as it avoids the need to clean silencers - plus it does not compromise fan efficiency. Consequently, it is the ideal noise attenuation method for dust and cyclone extract and filtration systems.