Weighing machines often generate noise levels of 90 – 100dB(A). The conventional approach is to fit partial or full enclosures round each machine. These often produce a noise reduction of only c 5dB(A) (and even an increase at the operator in some cases…) at a cost of the order of £8000 – £15000 per machine – and with the associated access and cleaning problems. We have developed source control techniques that reduce noise levels by 10 – 12dB(A) (typically) with no effect on normal operation, cleaning, hygiene or access – and at a small fraction of the cost of enclosures.
In this case, implementing our techniques reduced the 94dB(A) using the supplied acoustic enclosure down to 82dB(A) (PPE no longer mandatory) with the enclosure removed. This also reduced cleaning downtime from most of a day down to a couple of hours, improving productivity. Successful applications range from confectionery to pharmaceuticals to meat product processing.