From large industrial units to fast food restaurant kitchen extract fans, fans of all kinds are the single most common environmental noise source. This online (or face-to-face) fan noise control workshop provides detailed guidance on “best practice” to assess and control noise from all types of fans with case studies on measurement, noise specification, installation details, silencers and simple, low-cost fan noise reduction retro-fixes for many small fan installations. It includes:-
Many EHOs have benefited from running the very low-cost online or the in-house version at a host authority. The workshop has also proved popular for training Environment Agency staff.
"..the best lecturer I have ever had with relevant case studies...". Jon Tofts: PPC officer Environment Agency
"I did this course 15 years ago and have since completed the IoA noise diploma. This presentation is still the most complete refresher in acoustics I've seen. The remainder of the course is full of practicable examples of real world noise control for EHOs. Would thoroughly recommend." Patrick Chisholm, EHO, Darlington Borough Council
The value of the content is such that a high tech fuel-cell technology company recently flew engineers from both the USA and India to the UK for their own, highly confidential, version...
Location: online or it can be delivered in-house e.g. at a host local authority, inviting EHOs from across the country. This provides high-quality training at very low cost.
Course outline: 1 day workshop designed for Health, Safety and Environmental Managers, engineers, EHOs and regulators involved in occupational, environmental (and planning) noise where fans are a common issue.
Learning objectives and outcomes: provide delegates with the knowledge to analyse and assess fan noise and detailed guidance on the mitigation options, including the latest technology.
Accreditation: an INVC attendance certificate is issued
Qualification: 2 CPD Points
Relevant regulations etc: BS 4142-2014; the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005; planning requirements, Buy Quiet purchasing policies
This noise training course is run online or face-to-face at a host site. Once a date has been selected, other parties can be invited as appropriate (reducing costs). The online version provides even more flexibility.
Multi-media case studies are used throughout to illustrate the main points. Course notes are provided.
Delegates can bring current or past case studies for discussion. They can also bring recordings for analysis (CD, USB key or via email prior to the workshop - by pre-arrangement)
Ideally to have some experience of environmental or occupation noise issues that involve fans. Other than that, none...
Suitable for Health Safety & Environmental Managers, Engineers, EHOs and others involved in occupational and environmental noise (and planning) where fan noise is a regular issue.