Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

1 Day Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Master Class

HAVS training courses demonstrate best practice

As a result of the updated HSE HAVS guidance coupled with previous revisions to best practice, many organisations are well behind the curve in complying with the regulatory requirements for HAVS risk management . This workshop provides delegates with a pragmatic guide to the latest risk management best practices that they can then implement - some of which will not only reduce risk, but will also cut costs.

The objective is to ensure that delegates can assess and maximise the Return On Investment (ROI) when it comes to minimising HAVS risks.

A few of the myths and perhaps unexpected issues covered include:-

The workshop can also be customised and run either in-house or online. Contact us for information.

“Just as a ‘thank you’ – we reduced our daily exposures for grinders/sanders from around 5m/sec^2 down to below 2m/sec^2 by improving the tools…”. Mick Schilling: Coventry and Solihull Waste Disposal Company
Surprised at some information - not as complicated as first thought. Could save time and money in future in how we deal with HAVs. Darryl Dawson, Sheffield Council manager

Location: public courses are online or can be delivered in-house

Course outline: designed for Health and Safety Officers, managers, engineers, supervisors and anyone who needs to ensure that their HAVS risk management and assessment skills are up-to-date and that they reflect current best practice.

Learning objectives and outcomes:  delegates will leave with a practical understanding of how to determine the best HAVS risk programme options and what would constitute best practice to reduce the risks to meet the requirements of the control of vibration at work regulations.

Accreditation: INVC attendance certificate
Qualification: 2 CPD points
Relevant Regulations: The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005; L140

Quality HAVS training - in person or online

This HAVS training course is run online or face-to-face at a host site.

Contact us to discuss running this course >

  • Brief review of the vibration measurement standard (ISO 5349)
  • The new HSE guidance on HAV measurement - review including:- continual monitoring (no); insurance expectations; transducer mounting (tool); tool timers
  • Why none of the alternative measurement techniques provide reliable assessment vibration values to ISO 5349.
  • Vibration measurement best practice discussion
  • Virtual vibration assessment instead of measurement (as per HSE guidance)
  • Delegate risk assessment report reviews and discussion
  • HAV risk management programme - review of best practice elements
  • Discussion of the practicalities of implementing an effective policy - FAQS

Ideally, delegates should have some prior knowledge of HAVS and HAVS management and /or have previously attended a vibration competency course and need to update their knowledge in the light of recent developments in the field. It is also a good idea if they could review any HAV policies or assessments your company already has in place to get an idea of the high-risk tools and operator exposures in your workplace. As the day unfolds, this will help you develop ideas of what you need to do once you return to work - and whether previous assessments and risk management programmes are fit for purpose.

Course Dates

Course Location Start date Finish date Total Cost
1 Day Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Master Class Online April 16, 2025 April 16, 2025 £220
1 Day Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) Master Class Online May 7, 2025 May 7, 2025 £220