Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

1 Day Noise Risk Management Master Class

PPE for hearing protection is not as effective as most people imagine

Noise Induced Hearing Loss claims running at c £400,000,000 p.a. is unsustainable, demonstrating that current risk management processes have failed and must be changed. This workshop details the key best practice innovations that should be introduced to reduce future hearing damage risk by c 90% at a fraction of the cost of the current processes. It is suitable for anyone with responsibilities for risk management who needs to keep up to date with the latest developments and expectations or for people who have previously attended accredited noise competency training.

Best practice in noise risk management has changed...

  • Early detection of hearing loss using the new OAE hearing test technology. Fast, objective and low cost. A review plus demonstrations on delegates by world experts.
  • New approach to risk management makes simple, effective “low hanging fruit” risk reduction available to anyone.
  • PPE real world performance algorithm. Did you know typical PPE performance is often <10% of what you expect and women can get up to 9dB less attenuation than men…
  • Low cost noise control techniques made accessible to all – >50% reduction in risk…