Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

Noise Competency Update Workshop: 1 day

hearing loss induced dementia

nil noise induced hearing loss NIHL

The tsunami of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) claims demonstrates that current risk management processes have been ineffective and must be updated. Too many people are suffering hearing damage needlessly due to a lack of knowledge of the revised best practices detailed in this online workshop.

Did you know?

Do you know about the following recent revisions to both knowledge and to best practices?

  • New HSE noise inspection focus: 300% increase in enforcement notices, reporting errors, PPE issues, rogue consultants... Proactive action is required
  • Dramatic legal landscape changes: the changes to the current guidelines will result in a massive increase in settlement and insurance costs. Proactive action is needed
  • New dementia research: noise exposure increases dementia risk by up to 27% making it the dominant modifiable risk factor...
  • NIHL and accidents: NIHL can double the risk of an accident
  • PPE: it is difficult to guarantee adequate protection with conventional PPE much above 90dB(A), above 95dB(A) it is virtually impossible. However, new, innovative PPE options could be an answer...
  • Audiometry: it's time to change from costly placebo conventional audiometry to more effective and useful OAE
  • Noise reports: there is new HSE guidance plus template reporting to address current poor quality issues
  • Noise Control Audit (NCA): how to make a cost/benefit analyses of the modern, low-cost options to reduce both risk and expenditure
  • Return on Investment (ROI): how to determine the ROI for your noise risk management programme
hierarchy of control for noise control

Updating hearing conservation programmes to the new best practices is urgent due to:

  • Legal guidelines: the recent legal guideline changes mean settlement and insurance costs will rocket
  • HSE: the consequences of the current HSE focus on noise inspections
  • Dementia and Parkinson's risks: recent research showing the huge increases in both risks associated with noise exposure

This one day workshop provides details of the 5 changes in best practice that must be introduced to reduce the risks of future NIHL by c 90% compared with the current traditional risk management processes that are failing to prevent unnecessary damage.

  1. PPE use
  2. Audiometric methodology
  3. Noise reporting
  4. Noise control audits
  5. Return on Investment (ROI) evaluation

It's time to change...

An amazing insight into the world of noise issues, considerations and mitigation, some of which relate so much to cases I have dealt with in the past... very useful and profitable workshop, practical solutions section was an eyeopener as to what can be done to reduce exposure... Surprised at the content - it was really eye opening and extremely worthwhile attending... I found the content to be excellent, the depth showed the presenters knowledge and I learned a number of interesting risk control measures that I was previously unaware of...

Book using the links below.

Location: online or it can be delivered in-house.

Course outline: 1 day workshop designed for Health, Safety and Environmental Managers, regulators and anyone involved in involved in noise risk management.

Learning objectives and outcomes:  delegates will take away a detailed understanding of the changes they need to make to existing noise risk management programmes to ensure that they are based on current best practices.

Accreditation: an INVC attendance certificate is issued
Relevant regulations etc: Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005; Buy Quiet purchasing policies

Quality noise training - online or in person

This noise training course is run online or face-to-face at a host site.

Contact us to discuss running this course >

  • Introduction – what has not worked well enough?
  • Brief refresher + latest NIHL effects research. Including: hearing damage consequences (dementia, Parkinson's, accidents, retirement...); noise risk, regulations, HSE noise target expectations; noise measurement parameters; sound propagation
  • How to improve PPE performance; new PPE technology
  • Updating health surveillance to Otoacoustic Emission (OAE)
  • Improving noise report quality, HSE report and consultant guide, templates
  • Noise control audits – how to meet this regulatory requirement
  • Implementing a practical and effective Buy Quiet policy
  • How to evaluate risk reduction Return on Investment (ROI) + Resources
  • Summary

Contact us to discuss running this course >

One, any or all of the following:

  • attended noise competency training
  • involved in hearing conservation programmes
  • interested in determining what constitute best practices in noise risk management

Contact us to discuss running this course >

Course Dates

Course Location Start date Finish date Total Cost
Noise Competency Update Workshop: 1 day Online April 30, 2025 April 30, 2025 £220