The use of vibration analysis and interpretation to diagnose problems is often considered to be something of a “black art”. However, when combined with extensive practical experience and an intuitive understanding of the way machines and structures respond, it can be a very powerful tool for applications such as condition monitoring, quality control, fault finding/diagnosis and for identifying and solving structural vibration problems.
This can even be the case where conventional wisdom might conclude that there is insufficient information available for an accurate diagnosis – therein lies both the art and the “thrill” for the engineer.
Instead of charging users for the disconcerting "ride", the Millennium Bridge was retro-fitted with vibration absorbers to eliminate the 2Hz sway excited by pedestrians.
We have used the same principles to develop novel dynamic vibration absorbers that can be used to eliminate noise and vibration problems on plant and structures such as pipe-work (reducing fatigue etc), motors and pumps, dynamometers, support structural steel, engines, castings…
We have developed an elegant dynamic vibration absorber that can simply be bolted to pipe work or other structures to reduce vibration by 90-99%. Technically, this is very satisfying as the absorber is small, efficient and “sexy”…
Installed on petrochem pipe work attached to a reciprocating compressor generating high levels of vibration (illustrated here), this not only killed the vibration (eliminating wear and potential fatigue problems), but also produced a constant stream of curious staff wanting to see how such a small device could have such a big effect!
High levels of vibration on this water pumping station unit had caused maintenance problems and necessitated motors being sent away for refurbishment. The dominant element was at the 10.7Hz pump running speed with an amplitude of over 8mm/sec.
After detailed diagnosis, a pair of tuned dynamic vibration absorbers were designed that could be bolted to the motor whilst it was still in service. Once tuned, they all but eliminated the vibration – not only a very elegant and effective technique, but there is also a hint of magic about it…
“When I went down there afterwards, it was so smooth I thought the motor wasn’t running…” Alan England, maintenance engineer
The high level of noise from this 115T Bliss power press meant that the whole area was designated a noise hazard zone with mandatory PPE. The previously quoted solution was to fit a full enclosure at a cost of some £40k. This would have introduced both operational and maintenance issues as regular operator access was required.
We were approached to determine if there could be a more practical alternative.
A few hours on site for detailed noise and vibration analysis revealed that the noise was dominated by resonant tones radiated by the flywheel.
We decided that the best option would be develop very simple, very high efficiency bolt-on damping units that would kill the flywheel radiated noise. This is a similar, but much simplified, technology as that used to eliminate the disturbing low-frequency sway of the Millennium Bridge across the Thames in London.
Impact tests were used to determine the mode shapes and small steel blocks mounted on gasket springs (dynamic vibration absorbers) were designed to be fitted at specific points on the flywheel to damp the flywheel tones.
Once installed by a fitter (a few hours in total), these £20 absorbers cut the press noise by 90% (10dB). As they fitted inside the existing guards, there was no effect on operation or maintenance.
The remaining pneumatic ejection secondary noise source was then treated by fitting a quieter, more efficient nozzle to not only cut the noise by a further 5dB, but also to cut air consumption by 20%.
Wire drawbench
Similar dynamic vibration dampers fitted to the main gear wheels on a wire draw bench reduced the overall noise by 5dB(A) – again with no effect on normal operation, access or maintenance and at a cost saving of c £13000.
Vibration analysis indicated that the compressor was surging which would cause damage and probably require a strip-down. However, by identifying precisely what was happening mechanically within the compressor and discussing the results with an AC expert, the fault was diagnosed as a gas shortage causing liquid to flash across the expansion valve – cured by re-charging. This example illustrates the power of non-invasive fault identification.
Persistent propshaft failures were compromising engine test programmes. Vibration analysis was used to diagnose the problem as strong coupling between the response of the engine on its mounts and a structural mode of the engine pallet. The solution was designed and fitted within an hour (a simple steel channel welded across the pallet was all that was required).
A gravure coating line was producing striations on the thin aluminium web (due to film thickness variations). As the marking wavelength was independent of line speed, a resonance was diagnosed. This was traced (using a non-contacting probe) to web vibration at a specific point in the coating head. The solution designed was a simple, low cost web damper.
Bearing failures on a food processing mill continually recurred despite careful overhauls. Vibration signature comparisons with a second mill indicated a loose rear bearing. This diagnosis was confirmed in strip-down – the rear bearing was found to be turning in its housing.
The motor/gearbox on a large fermentation vessel suffered varying motor current and intermittent noise. Downtime would be costly due to the production schedule. Single point vibration analysis indicated excessive input shaft float – very unlikely (due to the construction) but confirmed later on partial strip-down (25 thou v 6 thou specification). Pinpoint accuracy.
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