Data center noise (or "data centre noise" in the UK) is an ever-increasing problem across the planet as more are built to service our digital world. Crypto mining and energy center noise also fall into the same category of problem. The primary noise issues from data centers, energy centers and crypto mining operations are the cooling systems, hosts of chiller fans that generate both broadband noise and low-frequency hum and drone. In both cases, conventional noise control methods typically reduce efficiency and increase power consumption.
In addition to the cooling systems, there will also be energy center power generation on-site that can be continuously online (e.g. CHP, gas turbines) or on standby (e.g. diesel generator sets that are run to a test schedule), all of which can cause noise problems.
There are innovative environmental noise reduction technologies that solve both problems. These don't just cut noise without reducing efficiency, they can actually increase fan cooling efficiency by up to c 20%, potentially making noise reduction projects self-financing with redued power consumption.
The "Greener Quieter" alternative.
Download our free "Data Centre Noise Control" guide
There are 2 primary types of noise from the dry air cooler or chiller systems, both generated by the fans.
The following is a detailed guide to data center noise attenuation best practices for these sources based on the latest technology that can even improve cooling efficiency to reduce running costs.
Data center cooling fan noise sample: the same low-frequency hum or drone recorded outside and then inside a building.
The difference illustrates the effect of the data center hum passing through glazing or building structure that attenuates higher frequencies, enhancing the low-frequency content of the interior sound.
This low-frequency tonal noise content is a very common cause of complaints that is usually not addressed as it does not contribute to the headline overall dB(A) value (the "A" weighting progressively attenuates low frequencies). This video illustrates how the Atlas Power Williston data center wasted $5 million on a predictably ineffective noise wall >
Data center noise control
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This plot is an overlay of the noise signatures from the recording above, measured both outside and inside a building. The blue trace is the unfiltered noise signature outside the building. This sound then passes into the structure through windows that progressively attenuate the higher frequencies to produce the internal noise signature (red trace). This is overlaid with the "A" weighted version of the red plot (green trace) showing how the "A" filter attenuates the dominant 73Hz hum by 25dB.
Not understanding the effect of using just "A" weighted noise values that massively underestimate the impact of low frequency tonal noise as the cause of complaints is a very common mistake. This factor combined with the failure to carry out narrow band frequency analysis are the reasons for many failed data center and crypto mining noise mitigation strategies where the main sources (fans and generators) produce low-frequency tones.
All the traditional noise reduction methods are based on adding noise control equipment to the plant. Our innovative approach is primarily based on modifying aerodynamics to render the cooling systems more efficient (in one case, 20% more efficient). As a result, fans can be run at lower speeds to cut broadband noise and save energy. The aero-mods also eliminate problem low-frequency tones. This approach is dramatically lower cost and more efficient than the traditional methods.
If necessary, residual noise can be reduced using a combination of other new technologies or much more modest conventional measures.
There are 2 separate noise issues that need to be addressed:
Air-cooling system fans in chillers and adiabatic coolers etc pull high volumes of air through heat exchangers that generate mid-high frequency sound that is directional.
Aerodynamics / close shields / meta-barriers
These provide greater attenuation and enhanced cooling efficiency than is possible using conventional methods and at dramatically lower costs.
Acoustic louvres and barriers
Acoustic louvres typically provide modest attenuation (virtually none at low frequencies) with significant backpressure that can affect free cooling and hence overall system efficiency. Often fitted along roof edges where structural strength and wind loading factors have to be taken into account. Where the noise is dominated by broadband dB(A) and relatively little attenuation is required, they can be an effective option but should be costed against alternatives.
Conventional acoustic barriers must be located as close to the source as possible to provide good attenuation. However, as this geometry blocks airflow, they are usually located as far as practical from air intakes to maintain cooling efficiency at the expense of compromised attenuation. Note wind loading and structural considerations.
Neither of these options can attenuate the classic data center hum.
One of the most common complaints about data center noise is a low-frequency humming sound that travels long distances.
There is an elegant, low-cost engineering solution to the fan noise problem (see below) that can increase cooling efficiency (self-financing). Add improved silencers for the engines where necessary or retrofit elements to turbine silencers to improve low frequency attenuation.
Air-cooling system fans very often generate high levels of low-frequency tonal noise (hum or drone) that is omnidirectional and travels large distances. Sadly, it is virtually impossible to get information re tonal noise from suppliers. We resort to analysing smartphone video clips from anywhere in the world to evaluate tonality.
Aerodynamic techniques
This is based on a similar approach as that used to cut broadband noise (see above). We use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling to aid in the design of retrofit aerodynamic components that reduce the low-frequency tonal noise elements - typically by 90% (10dB) to 99% (20dB). As this cuts the sound at source, both intake and exhaust noise is simultaneously reduced. In most cases, the fan performance is significantly improved, increasing efficiency and cutting running costs which can make these projects self-financing.
This is best practice as it is the only practical and effective method that can be used to reduce low-frequency tonal noise from cooling systems without very seriously compromising efficiency. It is also a dramatically lower cost option.
Silencers and enclosures
Tonal fan noise is radiated equally from the intakes and the exhausts. Consequently, both must be treated to provide any significant attenuation. In practical terms, this means very high backpressure or very long outlet silencers (the minimum one wavelength silencer for an 80Hz tone is 4m) coupled with intake silencing (usually as part of an acoustic enclosure) that suffer similar problems.
As a result, there is no practical way to use conventional silencers and enclosures to attenuate low-frequency tones. Perhaps this is why there is such focus on reducing the overall dB(A) (which can be attenuated using these techniques) rather than the often much more problematic low-frequency noise features.
We have extensive experience in creating noise models for data centers to generate noise contour maps both for planning applications for new projects and to aid in meeting environmental noise criteria on existing sites. The factor that determines the accuracy and usefulness of noise models is the acoustic knowledge and expertise of the consultant. The key elements we consider are:
As part of our noise modeling technical support package, we have also developed a template supplier noise data request form to maximise the chances that sufficient and correct information is provided.
This dramatically reduces the delays that are typically involved when trying to pull together reliable noise data from multiple suppliers.
In addition to desktop noise modeling exercises (which can include checking or updating existing noise models), we can also provide full environmental noise measurement and assessment services supported by the provision of detailed mitigation recommendations based on current and innovative best practices.
We also model the internal acoustics of data centers to determine the optimum noise control options for the room and plant array.
In this example, the it provided accurate cost/benefit analyses of the options to cut the noise exposure of staff without compromising airflow and cooling.
Coupled with the ability to model cooling efficiencies from fan systems (see below), this provides the detailed information required to make informed decisions to reduce noise as cost effectively as is practical.
More information on environmental noise modeling and flow visualisation.
We can also model airflow both through fans and entire rooms to provide an evaluation of the options to improve cooling efficiency. This approach reduces both running costs and noise.
Data centres (or "data centers" in the US) require a lot of cooling - which involves noisy chiller fans, air handling units (AHUs), cooling towers and condensers. Moreover, in addition to the general fan air noise, there are often low-frequency tonal elements (hums or drones) that cannot be silenced using conventional attenuators and acoustic enclosures and barriers. Unfortunately, poor diagnosis of the exact causes of noise complaints has often led to ineffective control of the noise from data centers that not only fail to solve the problem, but also compromise cooling efficiency.
Fortunately, there are effective low-cost alternatives that can actually increase cooling capacity...
A Noise Abatement Notice had been issued re the AHU noise from a large array of chillers at this data centre. The company had already spent nearly £100k on noise control with very little success and was considering claiming Best Practicable means (BPM) in court when the council suggested they might like to get a second opinion from us to avoid the legal route…
We carried out a very accurate diagnosis of the precise noise elements that were the cause of the complaints. Based on this evaluation, we designed a set of precise retrofit noise reduction measures that were guaranteed to be BPM. The innovative noise control measures included:
These noise mitigation measures cut the overall noise at the complainants from 48.5dB(A) down to 36.5dB(A) (as illustrated by the audio recording above and by this noise signature) without affecting the performance of the cooling systems. In addition to the reduced broadband noise, the tonal "character" of the noise was also eliminated.
The whole process took approximately 6 weeks from start to finish and completely resolved the complaint issue.
The overall effect was to reduce the data centre cooling system noise by 15dB at less than half the previously expected cost. If this approach had been implemented in the first place, the company would have saved over £100k, the council would have saved resources and the complainants would not have had to suffer unnecessary disturbance over a 2 year period.
More details on how to reduce environmental noise from data centers
More on chiller, condenser and heat exchanger AHU fan noise reduction.
Data center noise from axial cooling fans was the source of complaints from the local community. The cause of the noise complaints was a series of low-frequency blade pass tones at around 80Hz and harmonics that traveled a substantial distance from the site.
Conventional silencing was not a practical option as the silencers would either have to be very long (at least 2 wavelengths at 80Hz which is around 8m in length - and installed at a height...) or, a shorter but still very large silencer, with very high backpressure that would have compromised cooling and increased running costs.
Our alternative approach was to work with their engineers and use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling to develop a set of aerodynamic modifications that would not only reduce the tonal noise but, at the same time, improve fan efficiency. The results were spectacular...
97.5% fan noise reduction and up to 22.7% reduced power consumption
This project demonstrates just how effective this aerodynamic approach to data center fan noise reduction can be. Conventionally, fan silencing almost always means significantly reduced system efficiency. In cases like this, the aerodynamic modifications would be worth implementing for the efficiency gains alone, even if there was no noise problem.
Self-financing noise control is no longer an oxymoron... Energy saving noise control project.
The cost of reducing the data centre noise from the air conditioning system chillers on the roof of a large multi-storey facility to meet the requirements of the Local Authority had been quoted as costing over £300,000 using conventional acoustic barriers and silencers. Fitting these acoustic screens round the chillers would have required:
These proposed noise control measures would also have reduced the cooling capacity of the HVAC system, increasing running costs. The data centre communications company involved approached us in the hope that we might have a better idea.
We did...
Following very careful analysis of the noise sources and layout of the air conditioning plant and some lateral thinking, we designed an elegant solution involving a combination of:
The result was a set of modifications that were easy to implement in convenient stages and reduced the data centre AHU noise by 15dB(A) at a cost of c £40,000 – and with no effect on the normal operation or the overall efficiency of the system - unlike the previously proposed conventional noise barriers and silencers.
How to attenuate the noise from data centers
More details of the best approach to reducing the noise from chillers and air conditioning plant >