Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

A unique approach to consultancy...

...that makes best practice available to anyone anywhere...

Hearing damage and HAV hands
nil noise induced hearing loss NIHL

Hearing and hands are needlessly damaged because specialist noise and vibration industry expertise is focused on measurement rather than risk reduction.

We've launched a Nil NIHL campaign to stop staff going deaf thinking that their PPE works well enough. It often doesn’t. We know how to reduce hearing risk by >80% at negligible cost - so why doesn't this happen?

Re HAVS, resources are wasted on placebo monitoring to tell you what you already know (you still have a problem) rather than on risk reduction.

It's time to change.

Environmental noise - unnecessary stress, unnecessary ill health

Environmental noise plagues people for months or years when it should be sorted in weeks at a fraction of the expected cost. This creates unnecessary stress, deaths (200k p.a. across Europe), up to 27% increased risk of dementia (BMJ 2021) plus higher regulator workloads. Why? Mainly because the “environmental noise industry” is not fit for purpose as evidenced by regulators saying that c 95% of noise reports are seriously inadequate and lacking in diagnostic and noise control expertise.

Peter Wilson INVC Technical Director

The depressing lack of progress in the widespread use of noise and vibration best practices that benefit people and industry is frustrating. That’s why we’ve published technology (including our noise control case study database) on this site, why we innovate. There are effective best practice methods to reduce noise and HAVS risk at little or no cost. You just have to know what they are. That's our objective, to know exactly what they are and to pass that knowledge on, both directly (consultancy) and via our training.

As a result, we've had the satisfaction of knowing we've reduced both hearing damage risk and the health effects of environmental noise induced stress for 1000s of people across the world. Peter Wilson, Technical Director.

A client list that includes a who’s who of the major public and commercial organisations is a consequence of a very successful track record. Our reputation is built on providing low-cost, elegant, innovative engineering solutions to problems instead of, or combined with, traditional palliatives.

As a result, regulators use us as the arbiters of best practice to guarantee the use of current best practice that cuts typical project costs by 50% - 110+% (the latter for self-financing projects).

It's time to change.

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Free Remote Diagnosis

Email us a video from your smartphone for an evaluation of best practice

The "Green Peace" dividend - more sustainable noise control

noise training - BPM BAT noise control

As far as we know, the INVC is possibly the only carbon-negative noise consultancy in the world.

This is a consequence of our ambition to aid organisations in their move towards net zero. We develop and use innovative modern technology to minimise the carbon footprints associated with noise control measures. We consider this to be an integral component of what constitutes mitigation best practice.

greener quieter words transparent

The "Green Peace" noise control dividend offers dramatic advantages over traditional palliative measures such as acoustic enclosure and silencers. Less cost and less carbon.

This ambition has led to the development of more new techniques and technologies that are more sustainable - or even carbon negative. These allow us to:-

  • improve fan efficiency in parallel with cutting noise. Our aerodynamic fan noise attenuation technology is saving megawatts of power worldwide. All day, every day...
  • increasingly eliminating the need to travel to sites across the planet via our remote diagnosis and control techniques
  • cutting the quantities of acoustic materials used dramatically through innovative engineering. We also encourage the use of versions made from recycled materials

This approach allows us to help organisations reduce carbon emissions to meet net zero objectives.

Our free 2nd opinion cuts costs by 50% - 110%*

INVC planetwide noise control projects by country

We've made our worldwide best practice noise control database open-source. Search the largest collection of noise and vibration control case studies or email us smartphone data for a free, costed evaluation of the remote control of noise options.

Examples: the only yoghurt based noise control system (> £100k saved on a £110k project); aerodynamic fan noise control (no silencers, c £110k* saved in a year on a £100k quote - efficiency gains made it a profitable project); £250,000 saved on noise barriers via impact source control techniques - and many more...

Noise and vibration consultancy

Best practice: whatever problem a client has, we ensure they get the best practical advice and solution available anywhere. New Zealand noise control project managed remotely from the UK - 3 problems solved in 3 weeks:

“I have never seen such an amazing result from a consultant in my career... Roger Jones, General Manager, Pan Pac.

noise complainant congratulatory text 220

Where existing best practice is a hassle or not up to par, we develop new best practices by innovating, for example:-

Training - passing on effective knowledge

Noise and vibration are technical subjects, but, despite current conventions, they don’t have to be academic (we suspect a plot…). As busy professionals don’t have the time (or the inclination) to become specialists, we've made our training pragmatic, effective - and enjoyable, becoming the leading UK provider of noise and HAVS training in the process...

  • we invented a unique, totally non-mathematical way to teach noise (the taming of the decibel) as used in the competency courses we developed for IOSH, rendering them more practical and easier than conventional academic courses
  • pictures and sounds are worth 1000 words. We use a lot of multi-media examples - it has even been suggested that we should do a Christmas Lecture…
  • we regularly run workshops in conjunction with the HSE and provide training for the UK Environment Agencies and CIEH
“…made noise measurement and calculations easy and both theoretical and practical sessions were superb… the best course I’ve ever been on.” Sean O’Sullivan : H&S Manager, Harris Ireland