Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800


Links to all of the free downloadable guides, course details and other documents available on the INVC website:


The Fundamentals of Fan Noise

Quiet Fan technology

Tips to Fix your Fan Noise Problem

Remote Control of Fan Noise

Top 10 noise Control Techniques

Course Details

IOSH Noise at Work Risk Assessment & Management Course Details

IOSH Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment & Management Course Details

Other Documents

Open Source Template HAVS Tool Register

Showing 1 to 15 out of 19
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  • #fan noise control

The Fundamentals of Fan Noise

How to diagnose the reasons fans cause noise complaints

The fundamentals of fan noise control

wet scrubber fan stack fan noise

Fan noise is by far the main cause of environmental noise complaints from residents living near industrial sites. This guide explains why this is the case, the main types of fan, how the noise is generated, and the optimum approach to finding solutions to fan noise problems.

A common and costly mistake when assessing fan noise problems is to not diagnose the precise contributions from broadband and tonal noise features to the issue. Just how common a mistake is highlighted by the fact that 95% of consultant noise reports are inadequate, a major cause of which is poor (or no) diagnosis.

The guide provides an accessible, detailed explanation of the types of fans and their noise characteristics to aid with defining and solving fan noise problems.

Download your free copy of the guide here >>

The Fundamentals of Fan Noise

Tips to Fix your Fan Noise Problem

What are the fan noise control options - examples of best practice in action

How to solve your fan noise problem

wet scrubber fan silencing

Fan silencing can be very expensive, not just the capital cost, but also the cost of the downtime required to fit and the running cost increases if the attenuation reduces efficiency. In addition, most conventional silencing projects assume that the broadband dB(A) is the only criterion, whereas the cause of the noise issue may well include tonal noise (hums etc). As a result, the recommended attenuation often does not solve the problem (95% of noise reports are inadequate).

Where both characteristics are issues, removing tones using modern aero-technology means that very much smaller (and cheaper) silencers can be used, or alternatively, existing system ductwork can be made acoustically effective retrospectively.

Optimum solutions for any fan noise issue

This approach not only cuts typical fan noise control project costs by 50% - 80%, but it also guarantees that the problem will be solved as cost-effectively as possible. The guide presents a selection of case studies that provide examples of the best approach and the techniques that can be used to solve all types of fan noise problems.

Download your free copy of the guide here >>

The Best Ways to Solve Your Fan Noise Problem
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  • data centre

Data Centre Noise Control

Data Centre Noise Control April 2024.jpg

data centre noise contour map

Data centres (or “data centers” in the USA) are being built in ever increasing numbers across the world to provide the increasing digital services, including AI. These installations include crypto mining facilities and energy centres. As they are noisy, there is a tsunami of complaints about data centre noise in the environment.

This guide explains the major sources of the noise issues and the optimum cost-effective approach to both solve noise problems and, in many cases, to reduce power consumption by improving efficiency. Example case studies are given in the follow-up guide “How to Fix your Data Centre Noise Problem”.


Tips to Fix your Data Centre Noise Problem

This guide provides example case studies that demonstrate how data centre noise problems van be resolved.


Tips to Fix your Data Centre Noise Problem.jpg

Chiller Plant Noise Control

This guide explains the sources of chiller plant noise and how they can be reduced.


Chiller Plant Noise Control.jpg

Tips to Fix your Chiller Plant Noise Problem

This guide provides example case studies that demonstrate how chiller plant noise problems can be resolved.


Tips to Fix your Chiller Plant Noise Problem.jpg

Cooling Tower Noise Control

This guide explains the sources of cooling tower noise and how they can be reduced.


Cooling Tower Noise Control.jpg

Tips to Fix your Cooling Tower Noise Problem

This guide provide example case studies that demonstrate how cooling tower noise problems can be resolved.


Tips to Fix your Cooling Tower Noise Problem.jpg

Remote Control of Fan Noise

How to solve fan silencing problems fast using your smartphone

Remote control of fan noise

We have developed the technology to solve most fan noise problems quickly and at a fraction of the cost of conventional attenuators based on smartphone site recordings. The process involves:

  • send us smartphone video clips
  • we extract the diagnostic information we need to identify the precise nature of the problem (complaints, noise specifications, hearing damage)
  • we provide you with the costed fan noise control options

This fast, free service gives you access to a worldwide innovative fan noise control solutions database that reduces typical project costs by 50% - 80%, and can even increase fan efficiency to reduce running costs. Past remote control projects have resulted in:

smartphone data for remote environmental noise control

Subsequently, we can provide detailed solutions for implementation by local contractors. This guide explains how to access this service and provides details and examples of the information that we need.

Download your free copy of the guide here >>

Remote Control of Fan Noise Guide

Top 10 Noise Control Techniques

Solutions to the 10 most common industrial noise problems
Top 10 noise control techniques

hierarchy of control for noise control

This guide provides details of low-cost engineering noise control techniques for 10 of the most common noise problems. You can use these to solve noise problems across a wide range of industries. They provide substantial noise reductions quickly and at low-cost and with little or no effect on normal operation, hygiene, access or maintenance.

In many cases, they can even be self-financing…

HSE inspections targeting noise in 2024

The HSE is currently targeting noise where noise control is a key factor. This is due not only to the fact that ensuring PPE is effective is a difficult option, but also that the "Hierarchy of control" for noise is conspicuous by it's almost complete absence. The latter is due to a lack of knowledge about modern engineering noise technology that is very evident in noise assessment reports. Key elements of that knowledge are included in the guide.

How about reducing the risk of Noise Induced Hearing Loss by 90% by implementing noise control measures that actually reduce your costs? Take a look...

Download your free copy of the guide here >>

Top 10 Noise Control Techniques

IOSH Noise at Work Risk Assessment & Management Course Details

Practical, non-academic noise competency course

IOSH Noise at Work Risk Assessment & Management Brochure Cover

This document provides full details of the IOSH Noise at Work Risk Assessment & Management course, including course outline, learning objectives and outcomes, accreditation, relevant regulations, a schedule overview and additional benefits.

The workshop is non-academic and run by engineers with many years of practical experience.

Download your free copy of the document here >>

IOSH Noise at Work Risk Assessment & Management Course Brochure

IOSH Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment & Management Course Details

Practical, best practice HAVS competency course

IOSH HAV Course 2025 Brochure Cover

This document provides full details of the IOSH Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment & Management course, including course outline, learning objectives and outcomes, accreditation, relevant regulations, a schedule overview and additional benefits.

The workshop is non-academic and run by engineers with many years of practical experience.

Download your free copy of the document here >>

IOSH Hand-Arm Vibration Risk Assessment & Management Course Brochure

Template HAV Tool Register

For low-cost, rapid virtual assessments or for in-house use

HAV Tool Register.jpg

An accurate tool register is a necessity. Many registers (if they exist) do not include sufficient detail re tool uses and activities. This spreadsheet provides a template for you to enter the tool information required for any HAVS vibration assessment.

Virtual HAVS assessment

Alternatively, just enter your tool details and return the completed spreadsheet to us and we will run it through our HAVBase field tool vibration database and provide you with the options for a fast, low-cost virtual HAVS risk assessment as per the HSE guidance.

Download the free HAVS tool register >>

HAV Tool Register
  • noise assessments

Noise Risk Assessment Reporting - HSE committee guide

What should you expect from a noise risk assessment report?

noise risk assessment report guide

Whether you are commissioning a noise risk assessment or carrying it out in-house, there is a minefield of opportunities for misunderstandings and reporting errors.

Given that the HSE has previously said that most noise reports are "inadequate" there was obviously a need to improve reporting quality. To that end, they set up a small committee of knowledgeable experts (including INVC) to draw-up a simple guide that would offer a checklist of what to expect from various levels of report, from a minimalist noise level survey to a comprehensive and detailed risk management report.

Download your free copy of the guide here >>

Noise risk assessment report guide
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  • #fan noise control

Quiet Fan technology

Industrial fan noise reduction without traditional attenuators

Quiet Fan technology

CFD scrubber fan

Fan noise is by far the main cause of environmental noise complaints, but how can you reduce the noise from industrial fans without impairing efficiency?

Our fan silencing technology uses innovative aerodynamic techniques to reduce noise generated at source instead of silencers. Installed in a multitude of fans and blowers around the world, from 100W to 4MW behemoths, our Quiet Fan technology is saving millions of pounds in capital and reduced running costs.

This guide explains why fans are the most common cause of complaints and the options for mitigating the noise, including our aerodynamic Quiet Fan technology!

Download your free copy of the guide here >> Quiet Fan technology

Showing 1 to 15 out of 19