Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre

+44 1753 698 800

Vibrating screen / sieve noise reduction - by 50dB

Vibrating screen noise reduction

A low-frequency hum from a large vibratory wood scrap process sieve was the cause of extensive complaints. The initial traditional approach being considered was a truly massive acoustic enclosure that would have been eye wateringly expensive and would have caused no end of operational and maintenance issues.

Moreover, the very low frequency (11.8Hz) meant that these conventional noise control measures could not be effective (the wavelength of sound at this frequency is 29m!).

Whilst this tonal frequency is inaudible, the effects that cause complaints are usually rattles and reflections in objects, for example...

Vibratory screen noise effect videos:

wood processing vibratory sieve noise reduction

Asked to come up with an alternative option, we developed innovative engineering noise control measures for the vibrating screen that reduced the problem low-frequency hum by a very remarkable (and probably record-breaking) 99.999% (50dB). The modifications were implemented within a day, were low cost and had no effect on normal operation or throughput.

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This engineering vibrating screen noise control technology is applicable to a wide range of applications - contact us if you'd like to discuss a particular project.

We have also generated a comprehensive technical note on all aspects of vibratory feeder, hopper, conveyor, separator and sieve noise...

Other examples of our engineering vibratory system noise reduction technology include:-